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New Practice Groups

We have always used practice groups as a way to meet the needs of our swimmers. This year, we are taking our swim groups to the next level by defining the specific skills we will focus on for each group. We are also defining the exit criteria for each level, so it will be easier to decide when a swimmer is ready to "level up". Our goal for our swimmers has always been to focus on building better technique rather than just swimming laps and counting yards. These new swim levels will keep all our coaches on the same page and help us to better manage the progress of each swimmer.

The full details for each swim level can be found here:

VST Swim Group Levels

If you have any questions about these swim levels, please contact our coaches at

Swim Level Summaries:

In the summaries below, we offer general guidelines for the typical ages of swimmers in each group. Please remember that swimmers are assigned to groups based on their swimming skills/needs and their ages. Please contact our coaches if you have any questions about the proper level for your swimmer(s).

Minimum Qualifications to join VST:

  1. Be at least 5 years old and complete kindergarten

  2. Swim at least 25 yards, unassisted, without stopping

  3. Can push off of the wall and glide on the surface of the water with face in the water

Level 1 Summary:

This swim group will focus on maintaining a horizontal body position for freestyle and backstroke. Swimmers in this group will also learn how to use rotary breathing and kicking techniques to maintain proper body position.We will introduce the concept of a streamlined body position and begin teaching kneeling dives.

Swimmers in this age group are generally under age 6 and new to competitive swimming.

Level 2 Summary:

These swimmers will build on their level 1 skills by gaining strength and improving technique. These swimmers will have solid free and backstroke technique. They will learn how to execute a full racing start with a streamlined body position under the water. They will learn breaststroke and butterfly kicking, begin learning flip turns and learn how to use the flags to anticipate the wall in backstroke.

Swimmers in this group are generally 7-8 years old.

Level 3 Summary:

These swimmers will be able to swim each of the four strokes with proper, legal technique. They will be able to breathe within the rhythm of each stroke without losing body position. These swimmers always use freestyle flip turns when practicing or racing and their starts include at least 15 yards of a streamlined body position with a good breakout at the surface of the water. These swimmers will be able to perform 100 yard individual medley events.

Swimmers in this group are generally 9-10 years old.

Level 4 Summary

At this level, swimmers have very good technique in all four strokes and can swim at least 100 yards of each stroke while maintaining good technique. At this level, we will focus on perfecting technique and building aerobic capacity. These swimmers will learn to perform backstroke flip turns and fast relay exchanges. These swimmers will be able to breathe within the rhythm of the stroke without losing speed.

Swimmers in this group are generally 11-12 years old.

Level 5 Summary:

Level 5 swimmers will learn about the relationship between stroke rate, strokes per lap and speed. They will focus on the mental preparation required to perform during a race and their technique will be fine-tuned to meet their individual needs and abilities. At this level, swimming is physically challenging, but these swimmers will also learn to develop the mental skills needed to reach their best race performances. These swimmers will be able to turn without losing speed, conduct starts and relay exchanges with advanced technique and develop anaerobic capacity for sprint performance.

Swimmers in this group are generally 13-16 years old.

Level 6 Summary:

Swimmers in levels 5 and 6 will focus on similar skills, but level 6 swimmers will have more intense and challenging practices in order to meet their performance goals.

Swimmers in this group are generally 15 years old and up.

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